

2012/09/01 11:44:49 来自:中小学同步

3. It’s hot today. 今天很热!
    是这样!(That's it!)
    没办法。(It can't be helped.)
    轮到我了。(It is my turn.)
    事实上,我们可以打败他们。(As it is, we can beat them.)
    离开这里不远。(It is not far from here.)
    只要一美元。(It is only one dollar.)
    这儿真热。(It is so hot here!)
    Look up the word in the dictionary if it is difficult to you. 如果你认为这个词太难了,就查字典。
    I would appreciate it if you could do me a favour. 如果你能帮我就太感谢了。
    Here is a plastic box. It is useful. 这是一个塑料盒子。它很有用。
    Don't throw the old newspaper away; you may need it. 别把那份就报纸扔了,我可能会需要它。
    The dog outside belongs to the owner of the house. It is very fierce. 外面那条狗是这个房子的主人的。它很凶。
    Look at the cat! Isn't it cute? 看那只猫。它可爱吗?
    When the children saw a horse coming, they stopped and looked at him. 当孩子们看到马走过来的时候,他们停下来看着它。
    A cow is grazing grass in the field. She looks very strong. 一只母牛正在吃草。它看起来很强壮。
    It is raining outside. Don't go out! 外面下雨了。别出去!
    It is the 20th of December. 今天是12月20日。
    Time flies! It is a vacation again. 时光飞逝!又到假期了。
    It was half past five that when Jason got up. 杰森起床的时候是5点半。
    It is very far from school to the market. 从学校到那个市场很远。
    It is only short a distance to the library. 到图书馆很近。
    The baby next door kept me awake. It cried loudly. 隔壁那个婴儿把我弄醒了。它哭得很大声。
    Yes, I was at home last night. What about it? 是的,昨晚我在家。怎么了?
    When the company closes down, it (i.e. this event) will affect some staff’ future. 公司倒闭的话会影响到一些员工。


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